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Secluded Valley Homeowners Association is a community of beautiful single-family homes nestled in the peaceful hills on the border of Walnut Creek and Lafayette, CA.


All properties within the Secluded Valley HOA are bound by Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions referenced in deeds and the chain of title.  What that means is membership within the SVHOA, with all attendant rights and responsibilities, is an integral part of owning a home within the boundaries of our Association.


The Association operates based on assessments paid by the members.  Annual assessments are due on June 1st. The current annual assessment, effective January 1, 2024, is $500.



Walking Paths

You can find meandering walking paths throughout the community, and many trails that lead into the Acalanes Ridge open space. We have two tennis courts and a playground that can be used by members and their guests.

Tennis Courts





The Secluded Valley Homeowners Association was incorporated in April 1973 under the General Non-profit Corporation Law of the state of California. The SVHOA operates today as a common interest development under the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act. â€‹


Homes within the SVHOA were developed in three phases along Acalanes Ridge, which forms the border between the City of Lafayette and unincorporated county land generally identified with Walnut Creek schools and postal addresses. 


Since its inception the SVHOA has been defined by the dedicated volunteer efforts of its members. The Board of Directors, three standing committees, various ad hoc committees, numerous maintenance activities and various events all operate based on volunteer efforts assisted by a part-time Office Manager.  Through those efforts the SVHOA has successfully strengthened its governing documents, fended off threats to its property interests, protected the peaceful enjoyment of SVHOA neighborhoods and supported the John Muir Land Trust's creation of permanent open space on adjacent Acalanes Ridge property.  The generous devotion of member time has also resulted in annual assessments far below other homeowners associations with similar amenities and has fostered a spirit of neighborly concern. 

With the continued support of its members, the SHVOA looks forward to a bright future.  â€‹


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